Friday, February 11, 2011

Not The News We Were Expecting

     We were told that the next call we would get would be the appointment date, so when the phone rang I thought, "This is it!"  Instead, we found out since it's almost been 6 months since our dossier was finished, they want us to "update" some forms, i.e. re-do them.  So I have my little project for next week to do.  (Sigh)  
     So we were told that now, it looks like we will be traveling in March.  Two good things we are trying to focus on is; that we will have more time to raise money for the adoption/travel costs and it is bound to be warmer in March!  I've always wanted to see the Ukraine in Spring;0)  Trying to trust God's timing and wait on Him is easier said than done!  My brother, Don, sent me an article about God using difficulties in our lives to build character.  I guess John and I will both be full of character by the time we return!
     We've heard some beautiful conversations and prayers out of all three of our children over the last several months in regards to their "new sister", as they call her.  It has been an underlying source of joy and strength for us to continue on our journey.
     For example, our daughter Ella who's 5, (pictured below) has fervently prayed the same bedtime prayer for about 7 weeks.
Dear God,
Please bless Mommy, Daddy, Hanna, Logan and me.
Thank you for giving my mom and dad enough money to adopt my new sister.

     I told her that God loves her prayer because she is showing faith in God to finish what he started in mom and dad's hearts.  Then Ella said, "In here, where my heart goes thump, thump, I hear God telling me:  Ella, pray this prayer every night until your sister comes home.  So I'm going to!"  I hope the things we can learn from our children never end.